Weight Loss!

How many times have you tried to lose weight? Perhaps you lost, but then gained it back? Perhaps you’ve tried but never lost? Perhaps you’ve now given up and don’t want to even start the discussion?

Give us the chance to engage you and discuss the various ways we can get you excited about losing weight and find medically proven ways that can take off not just a few pounds but reach the goal you’ve always wanted and keep it off!

Medical Therapy

If you have struggled for years trying to lose weight, or if age seems to make it even more difficult to get to your dream weight goal; medical therapy has now revolutionized the field. We are offering state of the art medicine that can easily promote satiety, curb your cravings and with additional benefits that include better cardiovascular health.

Hard to Lose Areas

We all know about those stubborn areas that seem resistant to weight loss; even with losing weight, those areas remain. Consider our “skinny shots” - a way of inducing localized fat burn and tighter skin. Inner thighs, hips, love handles, back fat, etc - theres a way to loose this without resorting to surgical techniques.

Acoustic Wave Therapy

Acoustic waves allow for energy transfer to cellulite areas - this increases the metabolism and blood flow to the area and relies on the body’s natural healing process to get rid of that unwanted adipose and unsightly appearance.

non surgical weight loss


Try out our “skinny shots”

for those hard to lose regions

non surgical weight loss

Call our office to inquire more. We can design a package that is custom to your needs.