Manela Cardiology, Why?

Heart health is total health. Today, we are fortunate to have enriching lives full of excitement and opportunity; but the distractions that come along with all that, make us forget just how important it is to keep up with being healthy.

 Nearly 90 million Americans are challenged with cardiovascular disease and while this number appears daunting, it is tempered by the fact that SO much can be done to prevent the sequalae that can often unfold. Making the right decisions when it comes to lifestyle choices is the core of prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease.

 Hi there, I’m David Manela, MD and along with my team, we are bringing to the community a center that takes a new leap at keeping YOU heart healthy. Hailing from Los Angeles, Ive spent the last 15 years working as a cardiologist. And regardless of geography, many of the issues remain the same in what limits our ability to make change.  We need to believe that healthy change is possible! But we also cannot take the blame for why we don’t act upon this belief. Without a system that truly promotes and reinforces the necessary steps to execute our goals, our lives get the best of us, and we succumb to all the distractions around us. When I look at my own life, my career has at times challenged that work/life balance. And like everyone, I look towards my family and community for the oft needed inspiration in recharging my reserves.

But the solution in overcoming barriers to optimal health requires even more!

Today, coming to the doctor has become so standard and lack luster, that it is often a mere formality of routine than the raison d’etre it must be for change to happen. Today’s landscape of medicine is different than the days when Dr. Marcus Welby would make his rounds. The institutional way in which patients are now handled has replaced the velvety feel of the local town physician of yester-year. Does any discussion of “state of the art” need to be mutually exclusive of old-fashioned values? Of course not. Coming to see your doctor can still be a totally engaging experience! And therefore, we are introducing Manela Cardiology. We are taking your heart health and giving it the platform that infuses modern medicine with a highly personal and custom approach to your needs. Making sure that your belief in optimal health is actualized.

In our model of care, every enrollee receives treatment and follow up from a multi-disciplinarian team and varied resources. This is how we engage you and get you excited about your health. Our suite of educational programs delve into nutrition, behavioral health and over-all fitness. And if you are daring, we will be offering classes in Vinyasa as well. With your electronic health record, you will have unparalleled access and will be able to transmit a host of biometrics that will allow our office to run “ticker tapes” on your health and gauge early on when the slope of the curve is shifting. Every patient will be included in our registry; and depending on diagnosis, will receive regular follow up calls from our staff to check-in. “no patient is left behind.” No one gets lost in the shuffle of life. And of course, our full suite of diagnostic labs will ensure that you have a comprehensive cardiovascular evaluation performed here on premises – allowing for a standard of quality and ease of access for all of our members.

 And yes, we just said members! For we are offering a membership to premier cardiovascular care. With a one-time annual purchase, all services are all-inclusive and unlimited. Total Engagement without hassle. And most important, this level of personal and custom care is offered at a price point that is affordable to everyone. Introducing “concierge” cardiovascular care at a fraction of the cost of “concierge medicine.”

 This is how the practice of medicine was intended to be and this is how we plan to keep it. Great Quality Care for Anyone Ready to Start Engaging their Health! Join Now:)



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